Produced by Della-Kate Flower and Freddy Vulgar, Purple Nightshade, LLC has created live burlesque, drag, and circus sideshow productions all around the various themes of horror since 2017.
If you would like to book our company or know a venue that you think could use a little creeping out, scroll down to the bottom of any page and contact us directly.
Photo by Check Meowt Productions, LLC
Della-Kate Flower sits down with Burly Nathan and Mayven Misbehavin' from Talk and Tassels to talk horror, production, and burlesque in Florida and beyond.
Della-Kate Flower and Freddy Vulgar sit down with the gang of Gainesville's Porchville to talk horror, weird feelings below the waist, and how burlesque makes everything better.
Della-Kate returns to Gainesville's own Porchville with headliner Edith Meowt to talk Halloween history and when cosplay meets horror.
Orlando-based Haunt Scene chat with Della-Kate Flower about horror burlesque, fandoms, and the best way to clean up fake blood.
Hung-up on Horror invites Della-Kate Flower to chat about what is burlesque and what happens when you combine it with horror elements.
The gang, Juan, Angel, and Elo, talk horror burlesque and what makes weirdos so cool on This Random LIfe pod!